Our Mission

"If you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.” - Matthew 17:20
Our brand comes from this simple verse. It encapsulates how faith can move mountains. The smallest sliver of faith can be enough to allow God to grow and show His beauty. In a world that constantly puts faith down, the mission here is to bring it up. We want to create a culture where people are not afraid to talk about Jesus. As Christians, we have the responsibility to let people know how amazing God truly is. It doesn't matter what your mountain is, God is here to help and guide us. Whether it is suffering from depression, recovering from an injury, feeling alone, or simply just struggling to get a grip on life, God will be there. God is always waiting to hear from us. It is up to us to talk to Him. 
Through our clothing, we want to create conversations. We want you to wear our products and have somebody ask, what does that mean? This gives you the ability to speak on your faith and the power that it has had in your life. If just one person can deepen their relationship with God, the brand is a success in our eyes!
To move mountains is to change the world. It is to do the impossible. It is to fight the challenges that we never thought that we could and the whole time that we are fighting, God is right there with us. In a world that is as divided as ever, God can bring us back. If we plant a mustard seed as in Matthew 17:20, it may turn into a beautiful tree in no time. It doesn't matter how small it may be, the important thing is planting the seed with God.
10% of our profits will be donated to the Tim Tebow Foundation because of the faith that is displayed through the foundation and the work that they do. From fighting the ongoing horrendous crimes of human trafficking and caring for victims to putting on amazing events like Night to Shine for people with special needs, it can be said confidently that the Tim Tebow Foundation, centered with their love for Jesus, will always be doing good in the world.